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Uninstall microsoft office 2010 and reinstall on new computer free download. Uninstall and reinstall Office 2010

You must be running bit Windows. Download and save the setup file for Microsoft Office suite on your computer. However, you may transfer Office to another computer that belongs to you if you experience a hardware failure or you buy a new computer. No product key or not sure if you need one? I did recover my old hard drive and installed it in the new computer as a backup so all the original install files are there as is my activation key. The computer had some problems, so best buy issued me a new computer. Also, in some versions, the number of times we can transfer MS Office is restricted.
Uninstall microsoft office 2010 and reinstall on new computer free download.Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2019 on a PC or Mac
Date Published:. File Size:. System Requirements Supported Operating System. There is no installation for the tool. Using the Tool Once the tool has been extracted to a folder on the computer, it may be run from a command line. For information on the workflow, refer to the readme. Also, as noted above, before using the Office SP Uninstall Tool, you are strongly encouraged to read the following: For more complete technical details, see “Microsoft Service Pack Uninstall Tool for Office ” in the Apply Updates section of the Office Resource Kit , which contains additional information on using the tool.
Removing the Tool To remove this download, delete the following files: officespuninstall. I tried to install using the pin and it would not allow me to complete this. I would appreciate any help that you can give me. Download and save the setup file for Microsoft Office suite on your computer. Before installing Microsoft Office suite, you will need to uninstall the Microsoft Office trial copy which is pre-installed by the manufacturer.
Follow the steps to uninstall Microsoft Office trial. Restart the computer and then you may install Microsoft Office suite from the setup file downloaded.
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Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
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Reinstalling Office on a new PC after Win 10 update – Microsoft Community – Was this information helpful?
I recently bought a new PC, which had a trial edition of Office preloaded. I also bought Officewhich I installed. However, after a week, Office stopped working and, following advice from посетить страницу источник site, I uninstalled it. I suggest you uninstall office and office completely first onn then re-install office Then, you can try to manually uninstall Office by gree steps below:.
If you are still uninstall microsoft office 2010 and reinstall on new computer free download to uninstall the Office program, please refer to the приведу ссылку in this Microsoft Reinstaall base article to manually uninstall the Office program.
Thanks for the prompt response. Office Office Exchange Server. Adobe cs6 bit full free download an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From Snd Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. This IT Professional forum is for general questions, feedback, or anything else related to Office Sign in to vote.
Can someone please help me as this is driving me crazy? Wednesday, October 27, PM. Hi, I suggest you uninstall office and office completely first and then re-install office Expand the registry tree on uninstall microsoft office 2010 and reinstall on new computer free download left pane and locate the following two registry subkeys:.
Right-click on this registry subkey and click Delete to delete those keys. Restart your compute. Then try to reinstall Office again. Thursday, October 28, AM. It may there is some Virus and Malware in your computer, and my be Windows Installer error. Jennifer, Thanks for the prompt response. When I tried to uninstall using the wizard in your second link that doesn’t work either. Is there anything else I can do? Thursday, November 4, PM.
Uninstall microsoft office 2010 and reinstall on new computer free download
Note: If you installed an Office suite such as Office Home and Student or you have an Office subscription, search for the suite name. Can’t find your Office apps? Didn’t match my screen.