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Microsoft、「.NET Framework 」を一般提供 ~Windows 7/Server R2以降に対応 – 窓の杜.

NET Framework 4. What version of. NET Framework comes by default in Windows server standard? This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. Hi Jhingle,. Sorry to trouble you and I just want to confirm that your issue is solved or not? If you think my reply is helpful, could you please mark it as answer and that will help other community members who have the same issue to easier search this information, then we can also help you close this thread,.
The content you requested has been removed. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. NET Framework. Sign in to vote. I have a Windows server Standard. In Add roles and features wizard it shows. NET framework 4. NET 4. In Control panel : View installed updates it does not show. Saturday, December 15, PM. Windows Server all editions includes the.
It also includes the. NET Framework 3. Hope my answer would help you. Monday, December 17, AM. Hi Jhingle, Sorry to trouble you and I just want to confirm that your issue is solved or not? If you think my reply is helpful, could you please mark it as answer and that will help other community members who have the same issue to easier search this information, then we can also help you close this thread, thank you for your understanding.
Tuesday, January 1, AM.
– .NET Framework – Wikipedia
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