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Set to manual. MS Project — Introduction MS Project Microsoft Project is a project management software program developed and sold by Microsoft, designed to assist a project manager in developing a schedule, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads. Project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates.

As resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work estimated, the program calculates the cost, equal to the work times the rate, which rolls up to the task level and then to any summary task, and finally to the project level. Each resource can have its own calendar, which defines what days and shifts a resource is available. Microsoft Project is not suitable for solving problems of available materials resources constrained production. Additional software is necessary to manage a complex facility that produces physical goods.

Project Management MS Project is feature rich, but project management techniques are required to drive a project effectively.

A lot of project managers get confused between a schedule and a plan. MS Project can help you in creating a Schedule for the project even with the provided constraints.

It cannot Plan for you. As a project manager you should be able to answer the following specific questions as part of the planning process to develop a schedule. MS Project cannot answer these for you. This relates to the scope of the project. This relates to the schedule of the project. This would relate to the cost of the project. This might affect the scope, cost and time constraints of your project.

Strictly speaking, from the perspective of Project Management Methodology, a Plan and Schedule are not the same. A plan is a detailed action-oriented, experience and knowledge-based exercise which considers all elements of strategy, scope, cost, time, resources, quality and risk for the project.

Scheduling is the science of using mathematical calculations and logic to generate time- effective sequence of task considering any resource and cost constraints. Schedule is part of the Plan. Of course the schedule is linked with resources, budgets and dependencies. This is because of two reasons. One, MS Project does more than just create a schedule it can establish dependencies among tasks, it can create constraints, it can resolve resource conflicts, and it can also help in reviewing cost and schedule performance over the duration of the project.

So it does help in more than just creating a Schedule. This it makes sense for Microsoft to market MS Project as a Plan Creator rather than over-simplifying it as just a schedule creator. Two, it is due to limitation of generally accepted form of English language, where a schedule can be both in a noun as well as verb form. As a noun, a Schedule is like a time table or a series of things to be done or of events to occur at or during a particular time or period.

And in the verb form, schedule is to plan for a certain date. The distinction is important for you as a project manager, but as far as MS project is concerned the noun form of Schedule is a Plan. Of course, a project manager should also be able to answer other project-related questions as well. Here you have options to open a new plan, some other plans, and even a new plan template.

Click the Blank Project Tab. The following screen pops up. Toolbar controls have heterogeneous sizes and are classified in visually distinguishable Groups. Groups are collections of related commands. Each tab is divided into multiple groups. Each tab contains several commands. If you point at a command you will see a description in a tooltip. Active view is the one you can see in the main window at a given point in time. The View label just tells you about the view you are using currently.

Project can display a single view or multiple views in separate panes. Because once you enter one of the two, and other project tasks, constraints and dependencies, MS Project will calculate the other date. It is always a good practice to use a start date even if you know the deadline for the project.

In the list of available templates, click Blank Project. A dialog box appears. Click OK to accept the start date. Click the arrow on the Current Date dropdown box. A list appears containing three base calendars. Now let us add exceptions. Step 3: Adding Exceptions to Calendar Exceptions are used to modify a Project calendar to have a non-standard workday or a non-working day.

You can also allot unique working hours for a particular resource as well. Here is an example to create a non-working day, which could be because of a holiday or office celebrations or events other than the standard office work effort. Change Working Time dialog box appears. This date is now scheduled as a non-working day for the project. You can also verify the changed color indicated in the calendar within the dialog box as below.

Click Ok to close. You can modify the resource calendar to accommodate flex-time, vacation time, training time, etc. Also remember, Resource Calendar can only be applied to work resources and not to material and cost resources. By default when we create the resources in a plan, the resource calendar matches the Standard base calendar.

And any changes you make to the Project Calendar, gets reflected automatically in resource calendars, except when you create an exception in the resource calendar. In that case even if you update the project calendar, the exception in resource calendar is not affected. Select the resource for whom you want to create an exception.

In example below I have chosen John. The Change Working Time dialog box appears. In the following screen you can see we have chosen John.

Double-click the [default] cell below the Name column heading. We have chosen Tuesday and Wednesday. Click Set day s to these specific working times. Change the time. Select the resource for whom you want to change work schedule. We have chosen John again. Click OK to close the Dialog box.

You will now see all Fridays are greyed out in the calendar. You can record some top level information for your. Under Info Tab go to Project Information. Click arrow near Project Information to click Advanced Properties.

A dialog box opens, you can type in the changes as required. WBS identifies the deliverable at the lowest level as work package. So a task is action-oriented, and the work package is the deliverable or a result of one or more tasks being performed. There is a significant amount of confusion between what constitutes an activity and what constitutes a task within the project management community. But for MS Project, a task is the effort and action required to produce a particular project deliverable.

Enter the task name. In the following screen, we have entered 5 different tasks. Enter Duration A duration of the task is the estimated amount of time it will take to complete a task. As a project manager you can estimate a task duration using expert judgment, historical information, analogous estimates or parametric estimates.

You can enter task duration in terms of different dimensional units of time, namely minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. You can use abbreviations for simplicity and ease as shown in the following table. So 1 day is not equivalent to 24 hours but has 8 hours of work for the day. Of course, you can change these defaults anytime you want.

You can apply this to all projects or a specific project that you are working on currently. One of the neat tricks MS Project possesses is, it considers duration of the task in work- day sense. So if you have a non-working day in between, it accommodates this and ensures a task that takes 16 hours to complete to end on the 3rd day.

In other words, if you have a task that needs 16 hours to complete starting on Monday AM if this is the time your work day starts, and 8 hours being total work hours in a day , and Tuesday being a holiday, the task will logically end on the evening of Wednesday. Enter the duration. Task 1 in the following screenshot You can also enter Start and Finish date and MS Project will calculate the duration on its own. Task 3 and Task 4 in the following screenshot Note: In the above screenshot, Task 6 is scheduled to start on Sunday, which is a non- working day and ends on Wednesday.

So essentially, one would believe that with these 3 days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the duration calculated would be 3 days. But MS Project calculates it as 4 days. So one needs to be careful when choosing the start date of the task.

Because for any successive operation, MS Project considers that Task 6 will take 4 days. The next time, you change the start date, the Finish date changes to reflect this 4-day duration. Elapsed Duration Elapsed Duration is the time that elapses while some event is occurring which does not require any resources.

Elapsed duration for a task can be used in instances where a task will go on round-the-clock without any stoppage. A normal workday has 8 hours, and an elapsed day duration will have 24 hours. The task also continues over non-working holidays and vacations and working days. So 1ew is seven hour days. And it takes 4 days for this to happen. It does not need a resource or a work effort, and all you are doing is waiting for it to dry. You can use 4ed as the time duration, which signifies 4 elapsed days, the paint can dry regardless of whether it is a weekend or if it falls on a holiday.

Here in this example, the drying occurs over 24 hours over the weekend. They are used as major progress points to manage project success and stakeholder expectations. They are primarily used for review, inputs and budgets. Mathematically, a milestone is a task of zero duration. And they can be put where there is a logical conclusion of a phase of work, or at deadlines imposed by the project plan. There are two ways you can insert a milestone. You can see the milestone appear with a rhombus symbol in the Gantt Chart View on the right.

MS Project converts it to a Milestone. But one can also convert a task of non-zero duration into a Milestone. This is rarely used and causes confusion. Double-click a particular Task name.

Task Information dialog box opens. Create Summary Task There can be a huge number of tasks in a project schedule, it is therefore a good idea to have a bunch of related tasks rolled up into a Summary Task to help you organize the plan in a better way. It helps you organize your plan into phases. In MS Project , you can have several number of sub-tasks under any higher level task. These higher level tasks are called Summary Task.

At an even higher level, they are called Phases. Remember because summary task is not a separate task entity but a phase of the project with several sub-tasks in it, the duration of the summary task is from the start of the first sub-task to the finish of the last sub-task. This will be automatically calculated by MS Project. Of course, you can enter a manual duration of the summary task as well which could be different from the automatically calculated duration.

MS Project will keep track of both but this can cause significant confusion. In most cases, you should ensure that there is no manually entered duration for any task you will be using as a Summary Task. For hourly rates, you can assign a standard rate, which is the rate you pay a resource during normal working hours. Rate is the amount you will pay the resource for any overtime that it does. To resources that charge a flat amount to do a job, you can assign a fixed cost per use.

On the View baron the left, click Resource sheet 2. In the Std. Rate, Ovt. On the View Bar, click Gantt Chart. On the View menu, click on Table, select Cost from the list and then click on Cost. In the Fixed Cost field for the task, type-in the cost 4. A fixed resource cost is added to other resource costs when MS Project calculates the total cost of a task, but doesn t depend on the time a resource spends working on the task.

In the Task Name field, select a task. On the Window menu, click Split. In the Resource Name field, select the resource name. If a new, undefined resource is to be assigned, it must be added to the list, so do so.

On the format menu, point to details and then click Resource Cost. In the Task type box, click Fixed Duration. In the units field for the resource, type 0 and then click OK 8. In the Cost field, type the fixed resource cost.

On the Window menu, click Remove Split. Notice how this task is displayed on the Gantt Chart. You can:. View cost per resource. View the total project cost. View cost per task The sum of individual task costs make up most if not all of the total project cost. To view the total cost of each task 1.

On the vertical View Bar on the left, click Gantt Chart. Select View on the menu bar, click Table, and then choose Cost. Scroll the table on the left to view the Total Cost field. Alternatively, pull the partition back to the right to view more of the table and less of the Gantt Chart. View the cost per Resource This helps you to know the total cost of that resource for all the tasks the resource is assigned to.

On the vertical View Bar on the left, click Resource Sheet. On the Project menu, click Project Information. Click Statistics.

Perhaps you would like to view project costs on the Entry table which is the default table that loads up with MS Project when it is booted. You would like an additional column to appear right after the name field and right before the duration field.

First position the highlight anywhere in the duration column. The click on the insert item on the menu bar. Then, click on Column In the Column Definition dialog box that appears, click on the drop down arrow associated with the Field Name field, the first field in the box.

The list of columns that you can insert appear alphabetized by name. Scroll to cost and click on it. Now, click on the OK button in the upper right corner of the box. The column now appears in your table exactly where you want it. And, now you can see all of your costs. The main goals of analyzing your project plan are to: Shorten the schedule, to meet project deadline. Distribute the work load evenly, by resolving resource over allocations, so that no resources are overworked.

Reduce costs to a minimum, to save money and complete the project within your budget. The main factors that affect how MS Project determines a task s start and finish dates are: Placement.

In a logically ordered set of tasks, the tasks are usually performed in the order in which they appear in the task list. Several factors affect duration, but, in general, the longer the duration you enter, the later a task finishes. Changing the duration may change the task finish date. Task dependencies. The type of link you establish between two tasks determines whether the successor task starts after the predecessor task is complete. By replacing one type of link with another, you can change the task s start and finish dates and, perhaps the project end date.

Overlap and delay. The overlap or lead-time you add between two tasks causes the successor task to begin earlier. The delay or lag time between two tasks causes the successor task to begin later. You can force a task to start or finish on or near a date you specify by entering a start or finish date yourself or you can change the default constraint, as soon as possible to an inflexible constraint such as Must start on or Finish no later than. Its however better to let MS Project calculate and, if the schedule changes, recalculate.

Assigned resources. When you assign resources to a task, the task duration can change. Generally, more the resources you assign to a task, shorter its duration becomes. If you assign resources to a task, then by default, MS Project calculates a task duration based on the amount of work required to complete the task, the number of resources allotted, the working times and work assigned to the resources. By changing the amount of work required to accomplish a task, you can change the task duration and thus the final date.

Task type. By default each task is a fixed units task. You can change the task type to fixed duration or fixed work. Tasks that can delay a project are called critical tasks and the ones that do not delay are called non-critical tasks. Critical tasks make up a special path known as the critical path. The critical path is the sequence of tasks that ends on the latest finish date, i. As previously mentioned in the main body of this chapter, the critical path is the longest path through the network and the path that determines the duration of the total project.

When you want to shorten the schedule, the critical path has to be shortened. For one you can right click anywhere in the Gantt Chart, select Gantt Chart Wizard and select Critical Path off the list of options that it gives you.

Another way is to change the view as follows: 1. On the view bar, click More views. On the View Bar, click more Views 2. In the Views list, click Detail Gantt, and then click Apply. Slack on a task appears graphically as thin slack bars adjoining the regular Gantt bars. Drag the divider bar to the right to view the free slack and total slack fields To change the default slack time for critical tasks 1.

On the tools menu click Options, and then click the Calculation tab. In the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to box, enter the amount of slack time. Adjusting non-critical tasks will not shorten the schedule. The actions you can take to shorten your schedule fall into two categories. Shorten task duration: This can be done by decreasing the duration directly, by decreasing total work,,assigning more resources to a task, by assigning overtime work and by increasing a resource s work schedule.

Compress the schedule by making the tasks start sooner: This can be done by combining or deleting tasks, breaking down a task into non-critical subtasks, by adding lead time to a task, changing the task dependency, type of task etc.

Breaking down a critical task into non critical subtasks 1. On the view bar click more views. In the Task Name field, select a single task on the critical path that could be completed in several steps. Click Unlink Tasks. Remove the resources assigned to the task. Select the task beneath the task you want to change, and then click new task on the insert menu.

Repeat step 6 for each subtask you want to add. For each new task, type a name in the Task name field and a duration in the Duration field. In the task Name field, select all the new tasks, and then click Indent to make them subtasks of the original task.

Click Link task. Exercises 1. The Irving Companies are a small conglomerate specializing in health-related businesses, from wholesale planning to in-home health care and medical supplies. The company wants to replace its old legacy systems with an ERP system. Define the business case 60 days 2. Specify requirements 10 days 3. Select an ERP vendor 10 days 5.

Install the system 6. Install phase 1 10 days. Install phase 2 10 days 8. Install phase 3 12 days 9. Perform parameterization Parameterize phase 1 22 days Parameterize phase 2 15 days Parameterize phase 3 14 days Perform Testing Test phase 1 of the system 20 days Test phase 2 of the system 20 days Test phase 3 of the system 30 days Conduct Overall testing 5 days Conduct acceptance test 2 days Perform Training Train for phase 1 cut-over 10 days Train for phase 2 cut-over 10 days Train for phase 3 cut-over 12 days Perform Cut-over Perform phase 1 cut-over 2 days Perform phase 2 cut-over 3 days Perform phase 3 cut-over 4 days Assess performance in relation to specs 2 days Closeout 2 days Implement within MS Project.

Determine project duration. Assume one distinct person is assigned to each of the three phases. Decide what precedence relationships you will require. Determine the project overall cost. In the project above, describe some ways to get it completed sooner, without adding resources.

Turn in the hardcopy of the Gantt View of your project with the entry table shown and a cost column included in that table. For the sequence of steps in the problem above, determine the critical path. For the most part, teams manage projects.

Introduction to Microsoft Project This document provides an introduction in using Microsoft Project Microsoft Project is a project management application that contains a set of tools to help. It provides a list of quick tips and shortcuts for familiar features.

This guide does NOT replace training. Microsoft Project is a software package designed help managers manage a variety. Enter task names. Estimate and record how long each task should last. Create a milestone. MS Project Quick Guide 1. Creating a New Project Microsoft Project is a project management software program designed to assist project managers in developing plans, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing budgets,. Examples would be File and Analysis. Learn how to create a project, break.

One of our mottos is “a quality process creates a quality product. You will use the. Meet the Project program Project can be the go-to tool in your project-management toolbox. Project is a powerful program that you can use to plan and manage a wide range of projects. From meeting crucial deadlines and budgets to selecting the right resources, you can be more productive and realize better results by using the set of features Project offers. Work with summary data initially, and then shift to a more detailed approach when needed.

Project builds on previous versions to provide powerful project-management tools. Meet the Project family The Project desktop program is available in two different editions: Project Standard This edition is the entry-level desktop program with which you can create, modify, and track plans. Project Professional This edition includes all the functionality of Project Standard plus a few additional features, such as the Team Planner view.

When Project Professional is obtained via a Microsoft Office subscription, you might see it referred to as Project Pro. Note that Project Online is not a web-based version of the Project program. The version of Project includes some new and improved features, such as the following: Timeline view updates Display multiple timeline bars with custom date ranges. Use it to quickly find a Project feature or help content about that feature.

You do so on the General page of the Project Options dialog box available via the File tab.



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