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Microsoft word 2013 stop tracking changes free.Turn off tracking in Word

Too technical. Submit feedback. If you want a record of the revisions, save a copy of the document before accepting or rejecting changes.
Microsoft word 2013 stop tracking changes free. Tracked Changes Won’t Go Away
To select or clear the check boxes for all reviewers in the list, select All Reviewers. It seems that when a document has tracked changes, and those changes are eventually all accepted, they don’t really go away. Under Table cell highlighting , on the Inserted cells , Deleted cells , Merged cells , and Split cells pop-up menus, select the options that you want. Turning on Track Changes gives you and your coworkers a way to make changes that are easy to spot. Want more? For example, if you’re viewing only changes made by a specific reviewer, tapping Accept All Shown accepts only the changes made by that reviewer. Resolved my issue.
Microsoft word 2013 stop tracking changes free. Hide markup and comments in Word
Here is the way that Track Changes is supposed to work in Word. On the Review tab, under Trackingselect the Track Changes switch to turn on track changes. To review the changes, indicated by a red line in the margin, choose Simple Markup.