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Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the problem and your question. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other Steinberg Cubase 5 owners to provide you with a good answer. Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Steinberg Cubase 5.

Can’t find the answer to your question in the manual? Is your question not listed? Steinberg Cubase 5 manual. Operation Manual. Page: 1. Manual View the manual for the Steinberg Cubase 5 here, for free.

Index Table of Contents. Got a question? Ask a question. Steinberg Cubase 5 specifications Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Steinberg Cubase 5.

Frequently asked questions Can’t find the answer to your question in the manual? Is the manual of the Steinberg Cubase 5 available in English? Defining the Track Time Base The time base of a track determines if the events on a track are positioned to bars and beats musical time base or to the timeline linear time base. Changing the playback tempo affects only the time position of events on tracks with a musical time base.

Track Versions Track versions allow you to create and manage multiple versions of events and parts on the same track. Track Presets Track presets are templates that can be applied to newly created or existing tracks of the same type. Parts and Events Parts and events are the basic building blocks in Cubase. Events In Cubase, most event types can be viewed and edited on their specific tracks in the Project window.

Editing Techniques for Parts and Events This section describes techniques for editing in the Project window. If not explicitly stated, all descriptions apply to both events and parts, even though we use the term event for convenience.

Range Editing Editing in the Project window is not restricted to handling whole events and parts. Creating a Selection Range. Editing Selection Ranges You can edit selection ranges, that is, adjust their size, move or duplicate them, split them, etc. Playback and Transport Cubase offers multiple methods and functions to control playback and transport.

Transport Panel The Transport panel contains the main transport functions as well as many other options related to playback and recording. Transport Menu The Transport menu contains several transport functions as well as many other options related to playback and recording. Transport Bar The Transport Bar contains all transport functions in an integrated and fixed zone of the Project window. Transport Pop-Up Window The Transport pop-up window allows you to access specific transport commands if the Transport panel, the Transport Bar, and theTransport Controls in the Project window toolbar are closed or hidden.

Time Display Window The Time Display window allows you to view the current time position in a separate window. You can adjust its size and specify the time format that you want to display. Left and Right Locators The left and right locators are a pair of markers that you can use as reference positions in the Project window and in the editors. Setting the Project Cursor You can set the project cursor to the position where you click, or to markers or other predefined positions.

Auto-Scroll Settings Menu Auto-Scroll allows you to keep the project cursor visible in the window during playback. Time Formats You can set up different time formats.

Punch In and Punch Out The punch in and the punch out points are a pair of markers that you can use for punch in and punch out of recordings. The punch in position determines the record start position and the punch out position determines the record stop position. Metronome Click You can use the metronome click as a timing reference for playing along and recording. The two parameters that govern the timing of the metronome are project tempo and the time signature that you can set up on the Transport panel.

Chase Chase is a function that makes sure your MIDI instruments sound as they should when you locate to a new position and start playback. This is accomplished by the program transmitting a number of MIDI messages to your instruments each time that you move to a new position in the project, making sure all MIDI devices are set up correctly with regard to program change, controller messages such as MIDI volume , etc.

This is useful if you have no external MIDI instrument at hand and you do not want to draw in notes with the Draw tool. Monitoring In Cubase, monitoring means listening to the input signal while preparing to record or while recording.

Audio Recording Specifics Specific preparations and settings are required for audio recording. Remaining Record Time The Max. Record Time display lets you see how much time you have left for recording. Lock Record The Lock Record function prevents you from accidentally deactivating record mode. Audio File Import You can import compressed and uncompressed audio files in a variety of different formats. You can also import audio from audio CDs or extract the audio of video files.

Quantizing is designed to correct errors, but you can also use it in a creative way. Quantize Functions The quantize functions are available in the Edit menu and in the Snap and Quantize sections of the Project window toolbar.

Quantizing Audio Event Starts You can quantize the audio event start positions. Quantizing Audio Event Lengths AudioWarp Quantizing You can quantize an audio event or an audio selection range by applying time stretch to the content of the audio event.

Quantizing Multiple Audio Tracks You can quantize multiple audio tracks at the same time. Depending on what method you choose, different parameters are shown. Fades, Crossfades, and Envelopes Fades allow you to gradually increase or decrease the volume at the start or end of audio events or audio clips, and to create smooth transitions. Event-Based Fades You can create event-based fade ins and fade outs.

These are calculated in real time when you play back audio events. You can create different fade curves for several events, even if they refer to the same audio clip. These fades are applied to the audio clip. Events that refer to the same clip get the same fades. Crossfades Crossfades allow you to create smooth transitions for consecutive audio events on the same track.

Crossfades are always event-based. Auto Fades and Crossfades Cubase features an Auto Fade function that can be set both globally and separately for each audio track. Event Envelopes Event envelopes are volume curves for audio events. They allow you to create volume changes within the event, not only at the start or end. Arranger Track The arranger functions in Cubase allow you to work in a non-linear fashion.

Using an arranger track allows you to specify how and when specific sections are played back, even in live performances. This way, you do not need to move, copy, and paste events in the Project window. Adding Arranger Events on the Arranger Track On the arranger track, you can add arranger events that define specific sections of the project.

Arranger Editor The Arranger Editor allows you to set up arranger chains. Jump Mode If you have set up an arranger track and play it back, you have live access to the playback order.

This way, you can loop your arranger events with more flexibility regarding the length of the playback. Arranging Music to Video When you compose music for video, you can use arranger events to fill a specific video section with music. The following is an example on how you could do that. Audio or MIDI events in your project use it as a reference. Transpose Track The transpose track allows you to transpose the entire project or sections of it.

This function is useful if you want to create harmonic variations. Transpose on the Info Line In the Project window info line, you can change the transpose value for individual parts or events. Excluding Individual Parts or Events from Global Transpose If you add global transposition, for example, by changing the root key or by creating transpose events, you can exclude specific events from being transposed. This is useful for drum and percussion loops or special effects FX loops. Markers Markers are used to locate certain positions quickly.

There are two types of markers: position markers and cycle markers. Position Markers Position markers allow you to save a specific position. Cycle Markers By creating cycle markers you can save any number of left and right locator positions as start and end positions of a range and recall them by double-clicking on the corresponding marker.

Markers Window In the Markers window, you can view and edit markers. The markers on the active marker track are displayed in the marker list in the order in which they occur in the project. Marker Track A marker track is used for adding and editing markers. Importing and Exporting Markers Markers and marker tracks can be imported and exported.

MixConsole The MixConsole provides a common environment for producing mixes in stereo or surround. Furthermore, you can set up the input and output routing for multiple tracks or channels at the same time. This is useful if you want to access the most important MixConsole functions from within a fixed zone of the Project window. The MixConsole in the lower zone of the Project window is a separate MixConsole that does not follow any visibility changes you perform in the MixConsole window.

Adding Channels to the Control Room To be able to use the Control Room, you must add the channels that you need first. Output Routing. However, it can be useful to create monitor channels that share device ports with each other as well as inputs and outputs. This can be helpful if you use the same speakers as a stereo pair and also as the left and right channels of a surround speaker configuration, for example. Setting up a Cue Mix You can create a cue mix from the fader and pan levels that are used in the MixConsole and change them to meet the needs of the individual performers.

Adjusting the Overall Cue Send Level You can adjust multiple send levels at the same time for the cue send mix, keeping the blend intact while lowering the overall volume. This is sometimes necessary, because the levels in the main mix are often optimized for the loudest possible signal level without clipping.

Metering Cubase provides a master meter and a loudness meter that can be shown in the right zone of the Project window and the MixConsole, or in a separate window in the Control Room.

Audio Effects Cubase comes with a number of included effect plug-ins that you can use to process audio, group, instrument, and ReWire channels. Insert Effects and Send Effects You can apply effects to audio channels by using insert effects or send effects.

Insert Effects Insert effects can be inserted in the signal chain of an audio channel. This way, the whole channel signal passes through the effect.

Send Effects Send effects are outside the signal path of an audio channel. The audio data that is to be processed must be sent to the effect. Side-chaining allows you to use the output of one track to control the action of an effect on another track. Dither Effects Dither effects allow you to control the noise that is produced by quantization errors that can occur when you mix down to a lower bit depth.

External Effects You can integrate external effect devices into the sequencer signal flow by setting up external FX busses. Effect Control Panel The effect control panel allows you to set up the parameters of the selected effect.

The contents, design, and layout of the control panel depend on the selected effect. Effect Presets Effect presets store the parameter settings of an effect. The included effects come with a number of presets that you can load, adjust, and save. System Component Information Window The System Component Information window lists all available MIDI plug-ins, audio-codec plug-ins, program plug-ins, project import-export plug-ins, and the virtual file system plug-ins.

Direct Offline Processing Direct Offline Processing allows you to instantly add plug-in effects and audio processes to the selected audio events, clips, or ranges, without destructing the original audio. The window always shows the processing of the selected audio. Direct Offline Processing Window The Direct Offline Processing window allows you to add, modify, or delete audio processing instantly for one or multiple events, clips, or selection ranges in one window.

Furthermore, you can undo any audio processing, at any point and in any order. Time Stretch and Pitch Shift Algorithms In Cubase, time-stretching and pitch-shifting algorithms are used for offline processes, in the Sample Editor, or for the Flattening Realtime Processing function.

Limitations Applying time stretching or pitch shifting to audio material can lead to a degradation in audio quality and to audible artifacts.

The result depends on the source material, the particular stretch and pitch operations applied, and the selected audio algorithm preset. Audio Functions Cubase offers particular functions for analyzing the audio in your project. You can split events and remove the silent parts from the project, or create regions corresponding to the non-silent sections. Spectrum Analyzer Window The Spectrum Analyzer window displays the audio spectrum of an event, clip, or selection range as a two-dimensional graph, with frequency range on the x-axis and level distribution on the y-axis.

Statistics Window The Statistics function analyzes the selected audio events, clips, or selection ranges. Sample Editor The Sample Editor provides an overview of the selected audio event.

It allows you to view and edit audio by cutting and pasting, removing, or drawing audio data, and by processing audio. Editing is non-destructive so that you can undo modifications at any time. Sample Editor Toolbar The toolbar contains tools for selecting, editing, and playing back audio. Info Line The info line shows information about the audio clip, such as the audio format and the selection range. Overview Line The overview line displays the whole clip, and indicates which part of the clip is shown in the waveform display.

Sample Editor Inspector The Inspector shows controls and parameters that allow you to edit the audio event that is opened in the Sample Editor. Ruler The ruler shows the timeline and display format of the project, the project tempo grid. Waveform Display The waveform display shows the waveform image of the edited audio clip. Range Editing In the Sample Editor you can edit selection ranges.

This option is useful if you want to quickly edit or process a specific section in the audio waveform, or if you want to create a new event or clip. Regions List Regions are sections within an audio clip that allow you to mark important sections in the audio. You can add and edit regions for the selected audio clip in the regions zone.

Snap Point The snap point is a marker within an audio event that can be used as a reference position. Hitpoints Hitpoints mark musically relevant positions in audio files.

Cubase can detect these positions and create hitpoints automatically by analyzing onsets and melodic changes of the audio. Calculating Hitpoints When you add an audio file to your project by recording or by importing, Cubase automatically detects hitpoints. Locating to Hitpoints in the Project Window You can navigate through the hitpoints of an audio event in the Project window.

Slices You can create slices from hitpoints, where each slice ideally represents an individual sound or beat of the audio. Creating a Groove Quantize Map You can use hitpoints to create a groove quantize map. Creating Markers You can create markers at hitpoint positions. This allows you to snap to hitpoint positions. Creating Regions You can create regions at hitpoint positions. This allows you to isolate recorded sounds.

Creating Events You can create events at hitpoint positions. Creating Warp Markers You can create warp markers at hitpoint positions. This allows you to quantize audio based on hitpoint positions. This allows you to double, replace, or enrich drum hits by triggering sounds of a VST instrument. Tempo Matching Audio Cubase offers several functions that allow you to match the tempo of audio in your project.

Algorithm Presets You can select an algorithm preset that is applied for realtime playback and time stretching. Musical Mode The Musical Mode allows you to tempo-match audio loops to the project tempo. Auto Adjust The Auto Adjust function is useful if you do not know the tempo of your audio file, or if the beat is not straight. It allows you to extract a definition grid from your audio. After that, you can tempo match the file to the project tempo with the Musical Mode. Manual Adjust The Manual Adjust function is useful if you need to manually modify the grid and tempo of your audio file.

This is the case if the extraction of a definition grid with the Auto Adjust function did not bring satisfying results, for example. Free Warp The Free Warp tool allows you to correct the timing of individual positions in the audio material. Flattening Realtime Processing You can flatten warp modifications.

This is useful if you want to reduce the CPU load, optimize the sound quality of the processing, or apply any offline processing. Unstretching Audio Files You can remove realtime time stretching from audio events. Pitch Editing and Time Correction with VariAudio The VariAudio features in Cubase allow you to edit pitch, and correct the timing and intonation of individual notes in monophonic vocal recordings.

VariAudio and Offline Processes If you apply offline processes and edits that affect the length of audio files that contain VariAudio data, existing VariAudio data becomes invalid. We therefore recommend that you apply offline processing or edits before using the VariAudio features. Smart Controls Each segment has smart controls that allow you to change the start and end points of the segment and to perform pitch changes, volume editing, formant shifting, and timing modifications of the associated audio.

Segmenting Monophonic Audio To be able to edit the pitch and correct the timing of monophonic recordings, Cubase must analyze the audio and split it into segments. Segments and Gaps Cubase automatically analyzes the audio and splits it into segments. Auditioning You can audition the segments one by one or in a loop, or play them back from the beginning to the end.

Navigation and Zoom You can navigate through the segments and zoom in on them. Segment Editing Segment editing might be necessary if the original audio contains non-tonal portions of the analyzed audio, that is, signals or sections with unclear pitch information, such as consonants or effect sounds. Pitch Changes You can change the pitch of audio segments for corrective or creative purposes. By changing note pitches, you can change the melody of the original audio. Timing Modifications Modifying the timing of segments, or warping, is useful if you want to align a musical accent to a certain time position or change the timing of segments in monophonic recordings.

Formant Shifting Formants are the harmonic frequencies that occur in the human voice. They define the timbre and alter the perception of how a vocal has been performed more from the diaphragm than from the throat, for example.

Formant shifting does not affect the pitch or timing of a segment. Editing Volume You can raise or lower the volume of the audio for a segment or mute it. Functions Menu. Harmony Voices for Audio Cubase allows you to quickly create harmonies for monophonic audio material. It allows you to view, audition and edit parts by cutting and pasting, crossfading, drawing level curves, or by processing parts.

Audio Part Editor Toolbar The toolbar contains tools for selecting, editing, and playing back audio parts. Info Line The info line shows information about the audio part, such as the start, end, length, or the time stretch algorithm. Ruler The ruler shows the timeline and the display format of the project.

Lanes Lanes can make it easier to work with several audio events in a part. Moving some of the events to another lane can make selecting and editing much easier. Operations All operations can be performed in the Audio Part Editor window and in the lower zone editor. This integration allows for random access to audio events in the musical context of your project. Activating an Extension in Cubase To be able to use an extension in Cubase, you must activate it.

Editor for Extensions In Cubase, extensions are integrated in the Editor. From there, you have access to all their editing functions. Extension Editing in the Project Window In the Project window, you can still apply the basic editing techniques to audio events if you edited the event with an extension.

Permanently Applying Extension Edits Permanently applying extension edits is useful if you want to open the project with another program, or if you want to apply offline processing to the edited audio event. Sampler Tracks The sampler track features allow you to chromatically play back any audio from your audio sample library via MIDI. You can create and edit new sounds based on specific samples, and integrate them into an existing project.

Creating Sampler Tracks. Sampler Control If the sampler track is selected, Sampler Control is available in the lower zone of the Project window.

Sampler Control allows you to view, edit, and play back samples or specific sections of the samples. Pool Every time that you record on an audio track, a file is created on your hard disk. A reference to this file, a clip, is added to the Pool. Pool Window The Pool window allows you to manage the media files of the active project. Working with the Pool. MediaBay and Media Rack You can manage media files on your computer as well as presets from multiple sources from within the MediaBay or the Media rack.

Media Rack in Right Zone The Media rack in the right zone of the Project window allows you to access the MediaBay functions from within a fixed zone of the Project window. MediaBay Window. Working with Volume Databases Cubase saves all media file information that is used in the MediaBay, such as paths and attributes, in a local database file on your computer.

However, in some cases, it might be necessary to browse and manage this kind of metadata on an external volume. MediaBay Settings. Surround Sound Cubase provides integrated surround sound features with support for several formats.

All audio-related channels and busses can handle multichannel speaker configurations. A channel in the MixConsole can contain either complete surround mixes or an individual speaker channel which is part of a surround setup. Deliverables A surround mix in Cubase can be sent as multichannel audio from the surround output bus to a recorder, or can be exported to audio files on your hard disk. Available Surround Channel Configurations Cubase supports several surround channel configurations.

Preparations for Creating Surround Mixes You must prepare Cubase for surround sound by defining input and output busses in a surround format and specifying which audio inputs and outputs are used for the different channels in the busses. The plug-in distributes the incoming audio in various proportions to the output surround channels. MixConvert V6 MixConvert V6 is a plug-in that converts one multichannel audio source into another multichannel destination.

It is most frequently used to downmix a multichannel surround mix into a format with fewer channels, for example, a 5. You can use the integrated functions and plug-ins for spatial mixing or head-tracking monitoring, or use dedicated third-party plug-ins. Automation In essence, automation means recording the values for a particular MixConsole or effect parameter. When you create your final mix, Cubase can adjust this particular parameter control. Automation Curves Within a Cubase project, the changes in a parameter value over time are reflected as curves on automation tracks.

Static Value Line When you open an automation track for the first time, it does not contain any automation events. This is reflected in the event display as a dotted horizontal line, the static value line.

This line represents the current parameter setting. Writing Automation Data You can create automation curves manually or automatically. Editing Automation Events Automation events can be edited much like other events. Automation Tracks Most of the tracks in your project have automation tracks, one for each automated parameter.

Virgin Territory vs. Initial Value For parameter automation, Cubase works either with an initial value or with virgin territory. Automation Panel The Automation Panel is a floating window, and can be left open while you work. They are played internally via MIDI. Adding VST Instruments. The contents, design, and layout of the control panel depend on the selected instrument.

Presets for Instruments You can load and save presets for instruments. These contain all the settings that are required for the sound that you want. Latency The term latency stands for the time it takes for the instrument to produce a sound when you press a key on your MIDI controller.

It can be an issue when using VST instruments in real time. Latency depends on your audio hardware and its ASIO driver.

Import and Export Options. Side-chaining allows you to use the output of one track to control the action of an instrument on another track. External Instruments An external instrument bus is an input return to your audio hardware, along with a MIDI connection via Cubase and additional settings.

You can install effects and instruments that comply with these formats. Hiding Plug-ins You can hide plug-ins from all collections. This is useful if you have plug-ins installed on your computer that you do not want to use in Cubase. Reactivating Plug-ins from the Blocklist You can reactivate bit plug-ins that are on the blocklist. Track Quick Controls Cubase allows you to set up 8 different track parameters or settings as Track Quick Controls for quick access.

Parameter Assignment You can assign track, effect, and instrument parameters to Quick Controls. This allows you to control parameters on other tracks using Quick Controls. Setting up Remote Devices. Remote Devices and Automation You can write automation using remote devices. Assigning Commands to Remote Devices You can assign any Cubase command to which a key command can be assigned to remote devices.

This is useful if you think that the automatic mapping of plug-in parameters to remote control devices is not too intuitive. Joysticks You can use a joystick to remote-control panning operations in Cubase. This can be useful, for example, for creating smooth automation curves. Track Quick Controls. VST Quick Controls. This allows you to change the way MIDI data is played back. This only affects the notes in playback. Patch Banks The Patch Banks list can have two or more main banks, depending on the selected device.

Transpose Setup Dialog The Transpose Setup dialog contains settings for transposing the selected events. Dissolve Part Dialog You can separate MIDI events in a part according to channels or pitches and dissolve the part to different tracks or lanes. This is useful if you want to reassemble a drum part that you dissolved to lanes, for example. This is useful if you want to convert the events of an independent track loop to actual MIDI events.

Deleting Overlaps You can delete overlaps of notes that have the same or different pitches. This is useful if your MIDI instruments cannot handle overlapping events.



Cubase Pro – DAW by Steinberg | DOWNLOAD.Steinberg Cubase 5 manual (English – pages)


Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Steinberg Cubase 5. Can’t find the answer to your question in the manual? Is your question not listed? Steinberg Cubase 5 manual. Operation Manual. Page: 1. Manual View the manual for the Steinberg Cubase 5 here, for free. Index Table of Contents. Got a question? Ask a question. Steinberg Cubase 5 specifications Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Steinberg Cubase 5.

Frequently asked questions Can’t find the answer to your question in the manual? Is the manual of the Steinberg Cubase 5 available in English? Unfortunately, we do not have the manual for the Steinberg Cubase 5 available in English. This manual is available in English. Side-chaining allows you to use the output of one track to control the action of an effect on another track.

Dither Effects Dither effects allow you to control the noise that is produced by quantization errors that can occur when you mix down to a lower bit depth. External Effects You can integrate external effect devices into the sequencer signal flow by setting up external FX busses. Effect Control Panel The effect control panel allows you to set up the parameters of the selected effect. The contents, design, and layout of the control panel depend on the selected effect.

Effect Presets Effect presets store the parameter settings of an effect. The included effects come with a number of presets that you can load, adjust, and save. System Component Information Window The System Component Information window lists all available MIDI plug-ins, audio-codec plug-ins, program plug-ins, project import-export plug-ins, and the virtual file system plug-ins. Direct Offline Processing Direct Offline Processing allows you to instantly add plug-in effects and audio processes to the selected audio events, clips, or ranges, without destructing the original audio.

The window always shows the processing of the selected audio. Direct Offline Processing Window The Direct Offline Processing window allows you to add, modify, or delete audio processing instantly for one or multiple events, clips, or selection ranges in one window. Furthermore, you can undo any audio processing, at any point and in any order. Time Stretch and Pitch Shift Algorithms In Cubase, time-stretching and pitch-shifting algorithms are used for offline processes, in the Sample Editor, or for the Flattening Realtime Processing function.

Limitations Applying time stretching or pitch shifting to audio material can lead to a degradation in audio quality and to audible artifacts. The result depends on the source material, the particular stretch and pitch operations applied, and the selected audio algorithm preset.

Audio Functions Cubase offers particular functions for analyzing the audio in your project. You can split events and remove the silent parts from the project, or create regions corresponding to the non-silent sections. Spectrum Analyzer Window The Spectrum Analyzer window displays the audio spectrum of an event, clip, or selection range as a two-dimensional graph, with frequency range on the x-axis and level distribution on the y-axis.

Statistics Window The Statistics function analyzes the selected audio events, clips, or selection ranges.

Sample Editor The Sample Editor provides an overview of the selected audio event. It allows you to view and edit audio by cutting and pasting, removing, or drawing audio data, and by processing audio. Editing is non-destructive so that you can undo modifications at any time. Sample Editor Toolbar The toolbar contains tools for selecting, editing, and playing back audio.

Info Line The info line shows information about the audio clip, such as the audio format and the selection range. Overview Line The overview line displays the whole clip, and indicates which part of the clip is shown in the waveform display.

Sample Editor Inspector The Inspector shows controls and parameters that allow you to edit the audio event that is opened in the Sample Editor. Ruler The ruler shows the timeline and display format of the project, the project tempo grid. Waveform Display The waveform display shows the waveform image of the edited audio clip.

Range Editing In the Sample Editor you can edit selection ranges. This option is useful if you want to quickly edit or process a specific section in the audio waveform, or if you want to create a new event or clip. Regions List Regions are sections within an audio clip that allow you to mark important sections in the audio. You can add and edit regions for the selected audio clip in the regions zone.

Snap Point The snap point is a marker within an audio event that can be used as a reference position. Hitpoints Hitpoints mark musically relevant positions in audio files. Cubase can detect these positions and create hitpoints automatically by analyzing onsets and melodic changes of the audio.

Calculating Hitpoints When you add an audio file to your project by recording or by importing, Cubase automatically detects hitpoints. Locating to Hitpoints in the Project Window You can navigate through the hitpoints of an audio event in the Project window. Slices You can create slices from hitpoints, where each slice ideally represents an individual sound or beat of the audio. Creating a Groove Quantize Map You can use hitpoints to create a groove quantize map.

Creating Markers You can create markers at hitpoint positions. This allows you to snap to hitpoint positions. Creating Regions You can create regions at hitpoint positions.

This allows you to isolate recorded sounds. Creating Events You can create events at hitpoint positions. Creating Warp Markers You can create warp markers at hitpoint positions. This allows you to quantize audio based on hitpoint positions.

This allows you to double, replace, or enrich drum hits by triggering sounds of a VST instrument. Tempo Matching Audio Cubase offers several functions that allow you to match the tempo of audio in your project. Algorithm Presets You can select an algorithm preset that is applied for realtime playback and time stretching. Musical Mode The Musical Mode allows you to tempo-match audio loops to the project tempo. Auto Adjust The Auto Adjust function is useful if you do not know the tempo of your audio file, or if the beat is not straight.

It allows you to extract a definition grid from your audio. After that, you can tempo match the file to the project tempo with the Musical Mode. Manual Adjust The Manual Adjust function is useful if you need to manually modify the grid and tempo of your audio file.

This is the case if the extraction of a definition grid with the Auto Adjust function did not bring satisfying results, for example. Free Warp The Free Warp tool allows you to correct the timing of individual positions in the audio material. Flattening Realtime Processing You can flatten warp modifications.

This is useful if you want to reduce the CPU load, optimize the sound quality of the processing, or apply any offline processing. Unstretching Audio Files You can remove realtime time stretching from audio events. Pitch Editing and Time Correction with VariAudio The VariAudio features in Cubase allow you to edit pitch, and correct the timing and intonation of individual notes in monophonic vocal recordings.

VariAudio and Offline Processes If you apply offline processes and edits that affect the length of audio files that contain VariAudio data, existing VariAudio data becomes invalid. We therefore recommend that you apply offline processing or edits before using the VariAudio features. Smart Controls Each segment has smart controls that allow you to change the start and end points of the segment and to perform pitch changes, volume editing, formant shifting, and timing modifications of the associated audio.

Segmenting Monophonic Audio To be able to edit the pitch and correct the timing of monophonic recordings, Cubase must analyze the audio and split it into segments. Segments and Gaps Cubase automatically analyzes the audio and splits it into segments. Auditioning You can audition the segments one by one or in a loop, or play them back from the beginning to the end.

Navigation and Zoom You can navigate through the segments and zoom in on them. Segment Editing Segment editing might be necessary if the original audio contains non-tonal portions of the analyzed audio, that is, signals or sections with unclear pitch information, such as consonants or effect sounds. Pitch Changes You can change the pitch of audio segments for corrective or creative purposes.

By changing note pitches, you can change the melody of the original audio. Timing Modifications Modifying the timing of segments, or warping, is useful if you want to align a musical accent to a certain time position or change the timing of segments in monophonic recordings. Formant Shifting Formants are the harmonic frequencies that occur in the human voice. They define the timbre and alter the perception of how a vocal has been performed more from the diaphragm than from the throat, for example.

Formant shifting does not affect the pitch or timing of a segment. Editing Volume You can raise or lower the volume of the audio for a segment or mute it. Functions Menu. Harmony Voices for Audio Cubase allows you to quickly create harmonies for monophonic audio material.

It allows you to view, audition and edit parts by cutting and pasting, crossfading, drawing level curves, or by processing parts. Audio Part Editor Toolbar The toolbar contains tools for selecting, editing, and playing back audio parts.

Info Line The info line shows information about the audio part, such as the start, end, length, or the time stretch algorithm. Ruler The ruler shows the timeline and the display format of the project.

Lanes Lanes can make it easier to work with several audio events in a part. Moving some of the events to another lane can make selecting and editing much easier. Operations All operations can be performed in the Audio Part Editor window and in the lower zone editor. This integration allows for random access to audio events in the musical context of your project.

Activating an Extension in Cubase To be able to use an extension in Cubase, you must activate it. Editor for Extensions In Cubase, extensions are integrated in the Editor. From there, you have access to all their editing functions. Extension Editing in the Project Window In the Project window, you can still apply the basic editing techniques to audio events if you edited the event with an extension. Permanently Applying Extension Edits Permanently applying extension edits is useful if you want to open the project with another program, or if you want to apply offline processing to the edited audio event.

Sampler Tracks The sampler track features allow you to chromatically play back any audio from your audio sample library via MIDI. You can create and edit new sounds based on specific samples, and integrate them into an existing project. Creating Sampler Tracks. Sampler Control If the sampler track is selected, Sampler Control is available in the lower zone of the Project window. Sampler Control allows you to view, edit, and play back samples or specific sections of the samples.

Pool Every time that you record on an audio track, a file is created on your hard disk. A reference to this file, a clip, is added to the Pool. Pool Window The Pool window allows you to manage the media files of the active project. Working with the Pool. MediaBay and Media Rack You can manage media files on your computer as well as presets from multiple sources from within the MediaBay or the Media rack.

Media Rack in Right Zone The Media rack in the right zone of the Project window allows you to access the MediaBay functions from within a fixed zone of the Project window. MediaBay Window. Working with Volume Databases Cubase saves all media file information that is used in the MediaBay, such as paths and attributes, in a local database file on your computer.

However, in some cases, it might be necessary to browse and manage this kind of metadata on an external volume. MediaBay Settings. Surround Sound Cubase provides integrated surround sound features with support for several formats. All audio-related channels and busses can handle multichannel speaker configurations. A channel in the MixConsole can contain either complete surround mixes or an individual speaker channel which is part of a surround setup.

Deliverables A surround mix in Cubase can be sent as multichannel audio from the surround output bus to a recorder, or can be exported to audio files on your hard disk. Available Surround Channel Configurations Cubase supports several surround channel configurations. Preparations for Creating Surround Mixes You must prepare Cubase for surround sound by defining input and output busses in a surround format and specifying which audio inputs and outputs are used for the different channels in the busses.

The plug-in distributes the incoming audio in various proportions to the output surround channels. MixConvert V6 MixConvert V6 is a plug-in that converts one multichannel audio source into another multichannel destination.

It is most frequently used to downmix a multichannel surround mix into a format with fewer channels, for example, a 5. You can use the integrated functions and plug-ins for spatial mixing or head-tracking monitoring, or use dedicated third-party plug-ins. Automation In essence, automation means recording the values for a particular MixConsole or effect parameter.

When you create your final mix, Cubase can adjust this particular parameter control. Automation Curves Within a Cubase project, the changes in a parameter value over time are reflected as curves on automation tracks. Static Value Line When you open an automation track for the first time, it does not contain any automation events. This is reflected in the event display as a dotted horizontal line, the static value line. This line represents the current parameter setting. Writing Automation Data You can create automation curves manually or automatically.

Editing Automation Events Automation events can be edited much like other events. Automation Tracks Most of the tracks in your project have automation tracks, one for each automated parameter. Virgin Territory vs.

Initial Value For parameter automation, Cubase works either with an initial value or with virgin territory. Automation Panel The Automation Panel is a floating window, and can be left open while you work. They are played internally via MIDI.

Adding VST Instruments. The contents, design, and layout of the control panel depend on the selected instrument. Presets for Instruments You can load and save presets for instruments. These contain all the settings that are required for the sound that you want. Latency The term latency stands for the time it takes for the instrument to produce a sound when you press a key on your MIDI controller. It can be an issue when using VST instruments in real time. Latency depends on your audio hardware and its ASIO driver.

Import and Export Options. Side-chaining allows you to use the output of one track to control the action of an instrument on another track. External Instruments An external instrument bus is an input return to your audio hardware, along with a MIDI connection via Cubase and additional settings. You can install effects and instruments that comply with these formats.

Hiding Plug-ins You can hide plug-ins from all collections. This is useful if you have plug-ins installed on your computer that you do not want to use in Cubase. Reactivating Plug-ins from the Blocklist You can reactivate bit plug-ins that are on the blocklist. Track Quick Controls Cubase allows you to set up 8 different track parameters or settings as Track Quick Controls for quick access. Parameter Assignment You can assign track, effect, and instrument parameters to Quick Controls.

This allows you to control parameters on other tracks using Quick Controls. Setting up Remote Devices. Remote Devices and Automation You can write automation using remote devices.

Assigning Commands to Remote Devices You can assign any Cubase command to which a key command can be assigned to remote devices. This is useful if you think that the automatic mapping of plug-in parameters to remote control devices is not too intuitive. Joysticks You can use a joystick to remote-control panning operations in Cubase. This can be useful, for example, for creating smooth automation curves.

Track Quick Controls. VST Quick Controls. This allows you to change the way MIDI data is played back. This only affects the notes in playback. Patch Banks The Patch Banks list can have two or more main banks, depending on the selected device. Transpose Setup Dialog The Transpose Setup dialog contains settings for transposing the selected events.

Dissolve Part Dialog You can separate MIDI events in a part according to channels or pitches and dissolve the part to different tracks or lanes. This is useful if you want to reassemble a drum part that you dissolved to lanes, for example. This is useful if you want to convert the events of an independent track loop to actual MIDI events. Deleting Overlaps You can delete overlaps of notes that have the same or different pitches.

This is useful if your MIDI instruments cannot handle overlapping events. Editing Velocity You can manipulate the velocity of notes. Double notes can occur when recording in cycle mode, after quantizing, for example. This is useful if you have an instrument with limited polyphony and want to make sure all notes are played.

Use this to ease the load on your external MIDI devices if you have recorded very dense controller curves. This causes the MIDI to play backwards. However, this is different from reversing an audio recording. The individual MIDI notes still play as usual, but the playback order changes.

Inverting the Order of Selected MIDI Events This function inverts the order of the selected events, or of all events in the selected parts, graphically.

Technically, this function turns a Note On message into a Note Off message and vice versa, which can lead to rhythmic inaccuracies if the Note Off position of a note has not been quantized. Creating a Tempo Track from Tapping You can create a complete tempo track based on your tapping. It displays notes graphically in a piano roll-style grid. Drum Editor The Drum Editor is the editor to use when you are editing drum or percussion parts.

Drum Maps A drum kit in a MIDI instrument is most often a set of different drum sounds with each sound placed on a separate key. For example, the different sounds are assigned to different MIDI note numbers. One key plays a bass drum sound, another a snare, and so on. It also allows you to edit SysEx messages. List Editor Operations This section describes the principal editing operations within the List Editor. Expression Maps Expression maps allow you to set up a map for all your articulations.

This allows you to audition a project including articulations. Articulations Musical articulations define how specific notes are sung or performed on a given instrument. They can also define the relative volume of notes or the changes in pitch.

Creating and Editing Expression Maps. Inserting Articulations. They are suitable for polyphonic contexts, as they allow you to edit the expression of each individual note in a chord. They affect the entire voice, regardless of whether they are inserted for a part or a note.

Note Expression Inspector Section The Note Expression Inspector section features most of the functions that you need to work with note expression.

Controller Mapping Before you can record VST note expression events with external keyboards, you must map or assign specific MIDI controller messages, or pitchbend and aftertouch, or input movements to expressions.

Recording You can record note expression data together with MIDI notes, or you can record note expression data for existing notes. Note Expression Event Editor The note expression event editor offers various modes for editing and adding note expression events.

Trimming Note Expression Data You can trim note expression data to automatically match the note length.

Chord Functions The chord functions provide you with many possibilities for working with chords. Chord Track The chord track allows you to add chord events and scale events.

Chord Events Chord events are representations of chords that control or transpose playback on MIDI, instrument, and audio tracks. Scale Events Scale events inform you which chord events fit in a specific sequence of notes that belong to a specific root note. Voicings Voicings determine how chord events are set up.

They define the vertical spacing and order of the pitches in a chord, but also the instrumentation and genre of a musical piece. This is useful if you have a MIDI file and want to show its harmonic structure, and use this file as starting point for further experimenting.

Chord Pads Chord pads allow you to play with chords, and to change their voicings and tensions. In terms of harmonies and rhythms, they allow for a more playful and spontaneous approach to composition than the chord track functions.

Chord Pads Zone The chord pads in the lower zone of the Project window hold all functions that you need to work with chord pads. Chord Assistant The Chord Assistant allows you to use a chord as a starting point for suggestions for the next chord. It assists you in finding the right chords for creating a chord progression for your song. Chord Assignment Some chords are preassigned to the chord pads. But you can also assign your own chords. Swapping Chord Assignments You can swap the chord assignments of 2 pads.

Copying Chord Assignments You can copy the chord assignment of one pad and paste it on another pad. Player Setup The Player Setup allows you to select a player and a voicing setting that is typical for that kind of player, and determine if the notes of a chord are played as plain chords, as a pattern, or as sections.

Chord Pads Presets Chord Pads Presets are templates that can be applied to newly created or to existing chord pads. Creating Chord Events from Chord Pads You can use the chords assigned to the chord pads to create chord events in the Project window. Filter Conditions The upper list is where you set up the filter conditions, determining which elements to find. The list can contain one or several conditions, each on a separate line.

Selecting a Function The pop-up menu at the bottom of the Logical Editor is where you select the function, that is, the basic type of editing to be performed. Specifying Actions You can specify actions, that is, changes that are made to the found elements, in the lower list of the Logical Editor. Actions are relevant for all function types except Delete and Select. Applying the Defined Actions Once you have set up filter conditions, selected a function, and set the required actions or loaded a preset, you apply the actions defined with the Logical Editor by clicking the Apply button.

Presets You can load, save and manage Logical Presets. Project Logical Editor Window Overview The Project Logical Editor window allows you to combine filter conditions, functions, actions, and macros to perform very powerful processing.

Filter Conditions By setting up filter conditions you can determine which filter target, that is, what elements, you want to find. Specifying Actions You can specify actions, that is, changes that are made to the found elements, in the lower list of the Project Logical Editor. Actions are only relevant for the function type Transform. Selecting a Function The left pop-up menu at the bottom of the Project Logical Editor is where you select the function — the basic type of editing to be performed.

Applying Macros In the Macro pop-up menu, you can select a macro that will be executed automatically after completing the actions defined. Applying the Defined Actions Once you have set up filter conditions, selected a function and set the required actions or loaded a preset, you apply the actions defined with the Project Logical Editor by clicking the Apply button.

Presets The section in the upper left section of the window allows you to load, save and manage Project Logical Editor presets. Editing Tempo and Time Signature. Project Tempo Modes For every project you can set a tempo mode, depending on whether your music has a fixed tempo or if it changes throughout the project. Track Time Base The time base of a track determines if a track can follow the tempo changes of a project that is set to tempo track mode.

It allows you to add and edit tempo events. Tempo Track You can use the tempo track to create tempo changes within a project. Tempo Changes for Projects If the tempo track is activated, you can set up tempo changes for your project. Setting up a Fixed Project Tempo If your music does not contain tempo changes, and the tempo track is deactivated, you can set up a fixed tempo for your project.

It also allows you to set the tempo by tapping. Tempo Detection You can detect the tempo of any rhythmic musical content, even if it has not been recorded to a metronome click or if it contains tempo drift. Importing a Tempo Track You can import a tempo track from another project.

Process Tempo Dialog The Process Tempo dialog allows you to set a range to a specific length or to adjust its end time by automatic adjustment of the tempo track. Process Bars Dialog The Process Bars dialog allows you to insert, delete, replace, or reinterpret the signature events by automatic adjustment of the signature and tempo events.

Time Warp The Time Warp tool allows you to adjust musical positions of events or parts to time positions. Set Definition from Tempo Dialog The Set Definition from Tempo dialog allows you to set up freely recorded audio material to follow a specific tempo. Time Signature Events You can set up one or more time signatures for a project. Project Browser The Project Browser provides a list-based representation of the project. It allows you to view and edit all events on all tracks.

Project Structure The Project Structure allows you to select specific track types for viewing and editing in the event display. Depending on what track type you select, different items can be available in the Project Structure. Event Display The Project Browser event display allows you to view and edit the selected item.

The Render Selection dialog allows you to customize the selection render settings. Export Audio Mixdown The Export Audio Mixdown function allows you to mix down and export all audio that is contained between the left and right locators of a project or in ranges defined by cycle markers. Mixing Down to Audio Files. Available Channels for Export The Channel Selection section of the Export Audio Mixdown dialog contains a list of channels that you can export as an audio mixdown.

File Formats The File Type pop-up menu in the Export section allows you to select a format and make additional settings for the mixdown file. Synchronization Synchronization is the process of getting 2 or more devices to play back together at the same speed, position, and phase. These devices can range from audio and video tape machines to digital audio workstations, MIDI sequencers, synchronization controllers, and digital video devices.

Master and Slave Calling one device the master and another one the slave can lead to confusion. Therefore, the timecode relationship and the machine control relationship must be differentiated in this regard. Timecode Formats The position of any device is most often described using timecode.