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– Adobe dreamweaver cc 13 free download

Fluid Grid Layout: Using this feature you can specify how your Web page elements will be displayed on different screens such as mobile phone, tablet, or a desktop computer screen.
Fully functional Live View: Switching to Live View in the previous versions was reported to crash the program. Difficult to navigate for beginners: While this application offers many features and a streamlined interface, it can still be a bit overwhelming for beginners, especially since there are several windows to navigate.
It can be difficult to locate the functions you are looking for. Adobe offers many useful tutorials and help menus, but it still takes time and practice to be able to take full advantage of this application’s functionality. If you’re already familiar with Dreamweaver, then you’ll have no problems whatsoever. If you’re a subscriber to Adobe’s Creative Cloud, you already have access to this application and should definitely check it out.
Otherwise, if you are a non-developer interested in designing a Web site, Adobe Dreamweaver is just one of your options, alongside Squarespace and Apple’s iWeb.
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Cons Difficult to navigate for beginners: While this application offers many features and a streamlined interface, it can still be a bit overwhelming for beginners, especially since there are several windows to navigate.
Bottom Line If you’re a subscriber to Adobe’s Creative Cloud, you already have access to this application and should definitely check it out. Close all your web documents before you reorganize your files. Dreamweaver has been known to skip updating links in open files. When you release the mouse button, the Update Files dialog box appears Figure ; click Update and Dreamweaver rewrites the links. Renaming files and folders poses the same problems as moving them. Because links include file and folder names, altering a name can break a link just as easily as moving or deleting a file or folder.
Say you create a new site that has a page named about. You cheerfully continue building the other pages of your site, linking them to about. But that cranky boss of yours insists that you change the name of the page to aboutus. If you were to rename the file using Windows Explorer or the Macintosh Finder, every link to about.
Dreamweaver handles this potential disaster effortlessly, as long as you rename the file in the Files panel. To do so, click the file or folder name in the panel, pause a moment, and then click it again. Dreamweaver highlights the name, ready for you to type in a new name. Be sure to include the proper extension. For example, image GIFs end with. Finally, in the Update Files dialog box, click Update. Dreamweaver updates all the links to the newly named file or folder.
It bears repeating: Never rename or move files or folders outside of Dreamweaver. Nothing works! If you move files outside of Dreamweaver by accident and break links, see Finding and Fixing Broken Links to learn how to fix them. Just as with moving and renaming files, you delete them from the Files panel. To delete a file or folder, select it in the Files panel and then press Backspace or Delete.
If you made a mistake, click No to leave your site untouched. Clicking Yes breaks the links in all the pages. If you move files to your site folder using Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder, Dreamweaver might not be aware of those files or links between those files and others in your site. Dreamweaver scans the files in the local site folder and updates the cache its database of files and links on the site.
Although reading a book is a good way to learn the ins and outs of a program, nothing beats sitting in front of a computer and putting that program through its paces. The rest of this chapter introduces Dreamweaver by taking you step by step through the process of building a web page. If you already use Dreamweaver and want to jump right into the details of the program, feel free to skip this tutorial.
Click the Download Tutorials link to save the files to your local drive. The tutorial files are in ZIP format, a technology that compresses a lot of files into one, smaller archive file.
Windows folks should download the ZIP file and then double-click it to open the archive. Click Extract All Files and then follow the instructions to store the files on your computer. Mac users can just double-click the file to decompress it. Once you download the tutorial files and open Dreamweaver, set up a new site as described in Figure Finally, click OK. That can happen if you make the wrong choice in the Files panel.
The Files panel lets you browse all the files on your local drive, just like Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder does. In other words, Dreamweaver normally rewrites page links when you move a file that other pages link to, and it warns you when you delete a file that other pages use. Before you start working in Dreamweaver, make sure the program is set up to work for you.
The Preferences dialog box opens, listing a dizzying array of categories and options see Figure Select the Invisible Elements category and then turn on the fourth checkbox from the top, Line Breaks circled in Figure This setting makes sure you can—it uses a little shield to represent breaks in the document.
The shield gives you an easy way to select a line break and remove it to create a single paragraph by combing the text before and after the line break, or to create two paragraphs from one long one.
The Preferences dialog box closes. As noted at the beginning of this chapter, Dreamweaver offers many windows to help you build web pages. For this tutorial, though, you need only four: the Insert panel, the document window, the Properties panel, and CSS Designer. To get started, have Dreamweaver display the Design workspace. The Design workspace puts the Properties panel below the document window and groups several panels together on the right side of the window.
You choose one or the other of these panels by clicking the appropriate tab. Grab the Insert tab and then drag the Insert panel to just below the Application bar. When you see a blue line as shown in Figure , release the mouse button.
When you let go of the mouse to dock the panel, Dreamweaver transforms it into a toolbar with no text labels, just icons. Tabs across the top let you choose from different Insert sets like Common, Media, and Favorites. Now the workspace looks great. It displays most of the tools you need for this tutorial and for much of your web page building. Type Missing Manual or any name you like , and then click OK. You just created a new workspace layout. This moves the panels around a bit.
The Files and Snippets panels move to the left side of the window, leaving a big empty area to the right, where you can open documents and write code—but not right now. From the Workspace Switcher, choose Design. Dreamweaver resets everything to the Design workspace used for much of this book.
Just keep in mind that you can create multiple workspaces for different websites or different types of sites. You do this by setting up a site , like so:. The Site Setup window appears. You need to provide only two pieces of information to get started. Type Test Drive in the Site Name box. Click next to the label Local Site Folder. The Choose Root Folder window opens so you can navigate to a folder on your hard drive to serve as your local folder.
Click Select Folder Choose to set this folder as the local root folder. Click the folder named images , and then click Select Folder Choose. When you first create a website, you should identify the folder where you will store images. There are several subcategories under Advanced Settings. The first is Local, which Dreamweaver displays when you first click Advanced Settings.
Click Save to close the Site Setup window. After you set up a site, Dreamweaver creates a site cache for it see Creating a Web Page. Since there are hardly any files in the Chapter01 folder, you may not even notice this happening—it goes by in the blink of an eye.
As discussed on page xxi, HTML comes in a variety of flavors, called doctypes. HTML5 is the latest and greatest version, so use it. Dreamweaver opens a new, blank HTML page. Always save a newly created page right away. This good habit prevents serious headaches if the power goes out as you finish that beautiful—but unsaved—creation.
Save the page in the Chapter01 folder as index. You could also save the page as index. Make sure you save this page in the correct folder. In the Save As dialog box, click the Site Root button—that takes you right to the root folder. This little trick also works when you link to or open a file. Dreamweaver opens the Page Properties dialog box see Figure where you can give your page a title and define the basic look of each page you create.
Six categories of settings control page attributes like text color, background color, link colors, and page margins. Then click Apply. The title also shows up as the name of your page when someone searches the web. Unless you intervene, all web page text starts out black; the text on this page reflects the color you select here.
Alternatively, you could type a color value, like , into the color box. Both the pop-up color palette and the hexadecimal color-specifying box appear fairly often in Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver even lets you specify a color using other values, such as RGB red, green, blue and HSL hue, saturation, lightness values.
See Picking a Font Color for more on setting colors in Dreamweaver. The Select Image Source window appears see Figure and it automatically displays the files in the Images folder. Dreamweaver knows this is where you store images, because you identified the folder when you created your site. In Dreamweaver, you can select a file and close the selection window just by double-clicking the filename. Since file extensions are an important way people and web servers identify the types of files a website uses, you probably want Windows to display extensions.
In the Left margin box, type 0 ; in the Top margin box, type The 0 setting for the left margin removes the little bit of space web browsers insert between the contents of your web page and the left side of the browser window. The 20 adds 20 pixels between the top of the browser window and the page contents. In fact, you can even add a little extra empty space on the right side of a page.
The right margin control is especially useful for languages that read from right to left, like Hebrew or Arabic. These hexadecimal codes specify the colors for links on your web page see Picking a Font Color for more on choosing colors in Dreamweaver.
Links come in four varieties: regular, visited, active, and rollover. A regular link is a plain old link, unvisited, untouched. And finally, a rollover link changes color as you point to it without clicking. You can choose different colors for each of these states. While it may seem like overkill to have four link colors, the regular and visited links provide useful feedback to visitors by telling them which links they already followed and which remain to be checked out.
For its part, the rollover link gives you instant feedback, changing color as soon as you move your cursor over it. Although Dreamweaver uses the term rollover link, in the world of Cascading Style Sheets, this is called a hover link. Click OK to close the window and apply your changes. Save your work frequently. Before you get started, make sure you have the Workspace Switcher upper-right corner set to Design. In the panels to the right of the document window, click the Insert tab.
Then, in the drop-down menu at the top Figure , choose Common. Click the triangle next to Image and then choose Image from the submenu. Double-click the logo. The Cafe Soylent Green logo appears in the upper-left corner of your web page.
After you insert an image, it remains selected, as shown in Figure Its properties appear in the Properties panel below the document window. If you click elsewhere on the page, that deselects the image and you no longer see its properties. It makes your pages more accessible to people who visit websites using alternative devices—for example, people with viewing disabilities who require screen readers to read the contents of a web page out loud.
This text description is useful not only for screen-reading software, but for people who deliberately turn off pictures in their web browser so pages load faster. Deselect the image by clicking anywhere else in the document window or by pressing the right arrow key.
Press Enter Return to create a new paragraph. Type Welcome to Cafe Soylent Green. The Properties panel now displays text-formatting options. The key called Enter on Windows keyboards is named Return on most Macintosh keyboards and Enter on others.
So on Macs, you press either Return or Enter. The text you just typed becomes big and bold—the default style for Heading 1. Do so by either dragging carefully across the entire line or by triple-clicking anywhere inside the line. In the Properties panel, click the CSS button so you can style the text. In the Color box to the right, replace the current value with CC or select a color using the color box. Click in the document window to deselect the text so you can see its new color.
In the panels group on the right, click the tab for CSS Designer. Under that is a section called Selectors. Section headers like Selectors and Properties work like an accordion—when you click a headline, the section expands to display the contents inside. Use the scroll bar to see all the properties.
The items Dreamweaver displays in the Properties section change depending on what you highlight in the Selectors section.
If you click Computed in the Selectors section, Dreamweaver displays the properties in use for the currently selected element. In this example, if you position your cursor in the heading and highlight Computed in the Selectors section, the Properties section displays the color and font family you chose earlier. Chapter 3 and Chapter 9 give you more details. With your cursor still in the document window, right-click Control-click any text.
Want to take a peek? In the Properties section, scroll down until you see the Text group and the font-family property within it. No extra steps are necessary when you change the definition in the CSS Designer panel. You can confirm the change by inspecting the code in the document window as you did in the previous step.
Back in Design view, click to the right of the heading, and then press Enter Return to create a new paragraph. To get that text into Dreamweaver, you simply copy it from the other document and paste it into your web page. Click the tab for the Files panel. In the Files panel, double-click the file home-page. This file is just plain text—no formatting, just words. Click the index. You should see a few shields sprinkled among the text circled in Figure These shields represent line breaks—spots where text drops to the next line without creating a new paragraph.
If you find them, you need to remove them and then create separate paragraphs. Click one of the shields and then press Enter Return. Repeat this on all the other gold shields in the document window. At this point, the pasted text is just a series of paragraphs. You now have one Heading 1 and four Heading 2 headlines. The Heading 2 headlines could use a little style.
In the Properties panel, click the CSS button. Replace the color currently there with Under font-style , choose Italic. Select the four paragraphs under the headline Specialties; drag from the start of the first paragraph to the end of the fourth paragraph.
Repeat the previous step for the two paragraphs below the Hours headline, and then save the page. When I select a paragraph, an image What is it and how do I get rid of it? You click this steering-wheel icon to open the Code Navigator window. Furthermore, much to the eternal woe of web designers, different browsers display pages differently.
In some cases, the differences may be subtle text may be slightly larger or smaller, for instance. Fortunately, Dreamweaver lets you do that using any browser you have on your computer. With the increasing popularity of tablets and mobile phones, you can no longer just worry about how your web pages look in desktop browsers; you also have to think about how they look on the small screens of an iPhone, Android phone, or Windows phone.
Chapter 12 has information on how Dreamweaver CC can help you make your websites mobile-ready. Fortunately, Dreamweaver makes it easy to jump straight to any browser on your computer.
Dreamweaver displays a turquoise border around it. In other words, you clicked an image. Click some of the headings and paragraphs in your document. This is an important and easily overlooked step. To preview your page in a web browser, you need to make sure Dreamweaver knows which browsers you have installed and where they are.
The Dreamweaver Preferences window opens with the Preview in Browser category selected see Figure When you install Dreamweaver, it detects the browsers on your computer; a list of them appears in this window.
The Add Browser window opens. There are two boxes. In the Name box, type any name you want to describe one of the browsers installed on you computer. In the Application box, provide the path to the browser. The easy way to do that is by clicking the Browse button.
Click the Browse button. Search your hard drive to find the browser you want to add to the list. To change it, select it, and then type a new name. Turn on the Primary Browser checkbox, and then click OK. You just designated this browser as your primary one. If you use a Macintosh laptop, you may have to press Option-F12 and the function [fn] key in the lower-left corner of the keyboard. When you finish previewing the page, go back to Dreamweaver. Now you just need to add a graphic, format the copyright notice, and provide a little more structure to the page.
In Design view, scroll to the bottom of the page and select all the text in the copyright notice. This time you want to create a reusable style that applies only to specific paragraphs of text—not every paragraph. Scroll through the Properties for the. In Selectors, click the.
It lists all the styles available to the current web page and lets you edit them. It takes three properties to define a border: border-style , border-width , and border-color.
To add to this smorgasbord, you can place your border left, right, top, bottom, or on all sides of the selected text see Adding Borders. Set width to 1px and border-top-color to CC With all three properties defined border-top-style , border-top-width , and border-top-color , your copyright notice has a handsome line separating it from the rest of the page.
Borderlines touch the content of the element they surround—in other words, this top line sits very close to the copyright text. Then find the Padding properties. In the Padding properties section, Dreamweaver uses a rectangle to represent content. As you make changes to the properties, you see the results in the document window. Click the 0 at the top of the Padding box and then type 5px , as shown in Figure To create a link, you need to tell Dreamweaver which page you want to link to.
You can do this several ways, but using the Properties panel is the easiest. Click the Site Root button and double-click the file map. The Site Root button takes you right to the folder containing your site.
If you save the page and then preview it in a web browser, click the link you just added. The browser jumps to another page one already created for you. That would look great on your home page. Then, in the Properties section, specify the properties you want for the border and the way you want to position the page elements. Finally, apply your new selector to the page elements you want to style. In the document window, click the Index tab. A new selector appears. With new.
These are the same three properties you used for the border of the. The difference this time is that the border will be on all four sides of the element. Dreamweaver scrolls to the layout properties. CSS Designer often gives you several choices for units of measure. Below the Width property, find the Margin box, which is a silhouette that represents a page element. Do the same for the right margin setting. Scroll down to the Padding box, another element silhouette. Click the link in the middle of the box, and then type 10px in any number box around the edge.
The link is a timesaver—it lets you set the padding for all sides of an element by typing in just one number. The 10 pixels you specified here puts distance between the border and the contents inside the border.
Return to the index. You selected all the contents on the page. The Insert Div window opens see Figure As a result, you can see the effects of the settings for the Border, Width, Margin, and Padding properties. The Save All command saves the changes you made to both index. Test the link to make sure it works. Resize your browser and watch how the content centers itself in the middle of the window.
To get a full description of every Dreamweaver menu, see Appendix B. Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Chapter 1. Dreamweaver CC Guided Tour. Setting Up Creative Cloud. Downloading Dreamweaver CC. Getting Around the Dreamweaver Window. Figure Left: To work in Dreamweaver and other Adobe Creative Cloud programs, you have to sign into your account.
Fill in the blanks and then click Sign In to see the window on the right. It disappears as soon as you open a web page. Choosing a Dreamweaver Workspace. The Workspace Switcher lives in the upper-right corner of the Dreamweaver window. Dreamweaver lets you see your documents in several views. Split view, shown here, displays HTML code on the left and a visual preview of the current page on the right.
If you prefer to see how your page looks as you add and delete elements, click the Design button in the Document toolbar; that hides the HTML view and brings the preview page full-screen. To switch among open documents, click one of the tabs immediately above the Document toolbar.
The Document Window. Useful widgets and information surround the window. For example, you can instruct Dreamweaver to display the current document at different widths and heights so you can simulate what the page will look like in different-size browsers, like those on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Tip A couple of commands in the View menu help you arrange the two windows in Split view exactly as you want them. Tip If you point to a document tab and pause, Dreamweaver displays the location of the file in a small pop-up window called a tooltip. The Insert Panel. Top left: The Insert panel has a drop-down menu that lets you select the type of page element you want to add, in categories like Common, Structure, and Media.
Top right: Once you make a choice, you see the list of elements you can add to your page. In the Common category, your choices include images, videos, and email links, among others. Bottom: If you prefer, drag the Insert panel by its tab and dock it above your document window. In that position, you use the tabs to select a category, and the elements are represented by icons only, rather than by both icons and labels. Note In Web parlance, a form is a web page that lets visitors type in information that your web server processes.
The Files Panel. The Properties Panel. If you run into that problem, just use the menu command. The Application Bar. Workaround Workshop: Hiding the Application Bar. Organizing Your Workspace. Floating Panels. Top: The Insert panel is being dragged toward the top of the document window. Dreamweaver provides two visual clues when a dragged panel approaches the edges of the document window where it can be docked see below.
Bottom: Here the Insert panel is close to the top edge of the document window, so Dreamweaver does two things: it ghosts out the panel, and it displays a thin blue line. Releasing the mouse button docks the panel in its new position. Each one has its own context menu circled in the Files panel. Clicking the menu icon reveals a shortcut menu that lets you work with commands specific to that panel. The menu also offers generic panel actions, such as closing the panel. That means some panels could be out of position.
Iconic panes. Iconic panes, like those for Insert and Files in the top right here, let you preserve screen real estate. To return the panels to their normal widths, click the Expand Panels button. Workspace layouts. Note If you have a small screen or an older, squarish screen, drag the vertical bar between the document window and the panels to the right.
Tip The Workspace Layout feature is also handy if you share your computer with other people. Resizing a panel vertically is as easy as dragging its bottom border circled at the bottom of the Insert panel up or down.
Setting Up a Site. Note In Web argot, a box is simply a box where you type in information. The Site Setup window tells Dreamweaver about your site—where you store your files, how to connect to your web server so you can upload pages to the Internet, and so on.
But to get started, you only need to fill in these two boxes and designate an Images folder step 5. The dialog box for selecting a folder in Windows top is pretty much the same as that for Macs bottom. You can happily use Dreamweaver without ever visiting many of the advanced settings in the Site Setup window.
Creating a Web Page.
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