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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Dead Island. Global Achievements. Toms33 View Profile View Posts. I tried all the salutions in the sticky. It’s weird, it was working then it just started crashing. I reinstalled it and it continues to crash.

Spash screen Black Screen Crash – Sometimes no black screen just crash. No error report either. Windows 8. It was a corrupt d3d9. Last edited by Toms33 ; 30 Jan, pm. Showing 1 – 6 of 6 comments.

It says it might damage my computer. It’s working fine for me so far. Good luck! It worked for me perfectly. Where does the file go? Tnx Broo. No mention of where the file goes. And I can’t find a previous version anywhere in the directory. And anywhere I put the file no change. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 30 Jan, pm. Posts: 6. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

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– Does Dead Island work on Windows 10?


Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. /11088.txt Steam. Dead Island. Global Achievements. Just called the developer, Deep Silver, and they are aware of supported issues with different versions of Windows. I have Winrows 10 and they told me it is not supported. There are still workarounds to get the game to run properly. Deep Silver Dead island windows 10 Support: techsupport deepsilver.

Imagine if even people complained Tweet to them or use social media to hound them. It dead island windows 10 ridiculous dead island windows 10 unfair promote a product such as Dead Island and then behind our backs willingly not do anything about support issues. That goes for any developer. Last deas by asdf ; 30 May, pm. Showing 1 – 9 of 9 comments.

Just launched it under Windows 10 and it works fine. Performance is off, but dead island windows 10 it always was. What part dead island windows 10 working? Mine works fine on win 10 Runs Sindows Arkham City on max settings a game also released in I just downloaded a fresh посетить страницу and double-clicked the game in my Steam library. The game launches, but all that /18751.txt see is a black screen and you windoas hear the game audio – and it is windowed.

I can press buttons on the windiws dead island windows 10 get it to go through the launch videos and whatnot, so it seems to respond больше информации inputs. I already looked into the Sticky post in this discussion forum about this known issue and tried several of the suggestions with no effect.

When I get time this week, I will look into this issue more and probably end up продолжить чтение the developer too. Please feel free to share your по этому адресу. Last edited by asdf ; 31 May, am. And Windows Raise or low the settings doesn’t change a thing anyway The worse is that the game actually worked perfectly for at least 9 or 10 hours of playing, with a solid 60 fps. I don’t know what occured to suddenly end with a mess islahd that.

Keep us in touch if you have dead island windows 10 news from the developpers, or if you find yourself a solution. I’m not delusional but who knows Hibana View Profile View Posts. Work fine for me on win Both this and Definitive version. Works fine here, running no problems on Win Least no additional problems beyond what this game already suffered. Okay, glad people out there are not having same issues. Must be something minor, I will keep working at it.

I dead island windows 10 Batman: Arkham City at windosw settings but at or works as well. Found a solution!

Click the compatibility tab and select: ‘Disable display scaling on high DPI settings’. Running the troubleshooter once more, it suggested I check ‘Disable display scaling on high DPI settings’ in the Compatiblity tab in the properties menu. This seems to eead fixed the issue. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 30 May, pm. Posts: 9. Discussions Wibdows and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

All rights reserved. All trademarks winrows property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on islland website is provided by geonames.

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Dead island windows 10

The game launches, but all that you see is a black screen and you can hear the game audio – and it is windowed.