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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The duo goes on an adventure to explore some caves when suddenly Claire vanishes, leaving Jason wandering in the abyss. The game offers an amazingly fast-paced and action filled game-play in which you act as the finest Ninja Assassin named as Strider Hiryu who works for the Strider Organization.
Contra shattered soldier pc game –
It took me a while to finally give Contra: Shattered Soldier a proper chance. With this game though, Konami went back to doing what they do best with the series, and as it turns out this is адрес contra shattered soldier pc game the best 2D shooters on the PlayStation 2!
Look, contra shattered soldier pc game do not play the Contra series for its in-depth storyline! The basics of this one are that Bill from Alien Wars my favorite game in the series has been awoken from his cryogenic sleep to once again kick some alien ass and save the day. There are more characters this time around, but in all honesty, I could not care contra shattered soldier pc game about any of them except for Bill. I really like how Contra: Shattered Soldier took the game back to its 2D roots after the mess that was Legacy of War on the PlayStation which I did not like much at all.
For this game, while they have gone for a 2D look. What they have done here looks great. The по этой ссылке has /7080.txt real futuristic look to it and that is cool.
The soundtrack is источник bit of a mixed bag. Most of the tunes here are rather forgettable and while I like some of the rocking music tracks. There are some techno ones that I really could do without. When it comes to the gameplay this is what we all really wanted from a next-gen Contra game. Contra: Shattered Soldier goes back to the 2D shooter style of gameplay that we know and love and they have managed to make it feel familiar, but at the same time changed things up enough to make this also feel like a new kind of Contra experience.
The most notable way they have done this is with the weapons. Before, you contra shattered soldier pc game have a standard gun and collect different guns as you play through each level. This time around, you have three guns at the start of the game. A flamethrower, grenade launcher, and a machine gun. Each gun also has an alternate mode so in total you really have посетить страницу источник guns that you can switch between at any time. You will either like or dislike this.
I actually like it. It feels different, but the game forces you to use each gun in certain situations be it a boss fight or a certain part of a level. This contra shattered soldier pc game it more strategic in the way you go about playing it. To give you some replay value, you have multiple endings to experience which is neat. I think that Contra: Shattered Soldier is a damn fine game and one of the more underrated ones in the entire Contra series.
I get the weapons system is not for everyone, but in terms of this game, what they did works really well. The game is brutally tough, but contra shattered soldier pc game is exactly what I would expect from a game in this series. If you have overlooked this one, be sure to give it a playthrough.
The series that once defined shooters and survived two horrendous PSi outings is returning to form on the PS2. Shattered Soldier will remind old-timers of the glory days on 8- and bit consoles, while newbies will finally understand why the Contra franchise is held in such reverence amongst geriatric gamers. This is just mindless contra shattered soldier pc game, which is what makes it so great. Forget mission objectives, solving puzzles or any of that crap. Just shoot Your thumb will be glued to the fire button for the duration of Contra, taking a break contra shattered soldier pc game when you switch between the three weapons see sidebar.
The coolest part of Shattered Soldier is the huge bosses youll face. It seems the developers have a special place in their hearts for the Transformersbecause almost every giant robot contra shattered soldier pc game has two or contra shattered soldier pc game forms. Take the submarine boss early in the game, for example. You start off dodging incoming fire as it takes shots at you from the background, only to have it submerge and come up directly under the bridge youre on.
Deal enough damage while its in front of you and itll transform into a helicopter. Now you have to run in below it and systematically take out turrets, engines and rotors, dismantling it to the point of destruction. And with продолжить чтение high boss count, the game delivers a lot of similar encounters.
For all you old-school gamers whore wondering, Shattered Soldier is no cakewalk. Youll find your controller slick with sweat after each level, and youll wonder just how you made it through that crazy crossfire or survived that screen-filling alien. And contra shattered soldier pc game course youll be able to bring along a buddy for simultaneously play throughout the game. In fact, thats the best way to go.
Having someone covering your ass increases your chances of survival tenfold. Eight years. Eight trickin’ years. That’s how long we’ve had to wait for a “real” Contra, a series whose reputation has been tarnished by a couple of absolutely crap games on the PSi. What better way to save Contra than to bring back the team that made the original games such a success? A Herculean task, perhaps, but the developers are up to the job. All the signature Contra elements are here: contra shattered soldier pc game simultaneous run-and-gun action, a wide array of weapons, tons of bullet fodder and huge bosses.
New to the series are special weapons you can charge up for more powerful effects, as well as a hit-percentage meter to track your path to total mastery of the game. Browse games Game Portals. Contra: Shattered Soldier. Install Game. Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.
Game review Downloads Screenshots Welcome Back Bill Look, we do not play the Contra series for its in-depth storyline! Overall rating: 8. Download Contra: Shattered Soldier. Playstation 2. So put those bad PS1 memories behind you. Contra is back in a big way. Overall rating: 6. GameFabrique
Contra Shattered Soldier – Download game PS3 PS4 PS2 RPCS3 PC free – Developer’s Description
May 31, · Contra: Shattered Soldier, while maintaining the side-view perspective of the 2D games, features fully polygonal 3D graphics. Full Specifications What’s new in version. May 08, · * Game Over menu has only “End” item. * There are no plot cutscenes. Contra Shattered Soldier E3 V Media CD-R Researcher Drac, Digital Warrior, Zoda-Y13 Scanner Internet Archive Python library System PlayStation 2 Unreleased No. Show More. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Contra – Shattered Soldier ISO download is available below and exclusive to Download Contra – Shattered Soldier ISO to your computer and play it with a compatible emulator. You can also play this game on your mobile device. If you enjoy this free ISO on , then you may also like other Sony Playstation 2 titles listed below.